G3: Generation Giga Girls Operation Smart
Students develop strong competency in data analytics and cultivate a curiosity for STEM subjects.
G3 explores the connection between everyday occurrences that impact young people’s lives and the larger global implications of these issues. It aims to teach data science through the lens of social justice issues, contemporary culture, and developmentally appropriate topics. This program offers participants an opportunity to develop Community Action Projects to create long-lasting positive change within their school communities.
The tools learned in this program provide participants with the opportunity to:
Create change on a larger scale.
Analyze data and develop solutions that will set participants on a path of great success in the STEM field.
Access information that will increase their drive to explore the world of Big Data as it pertains to their passions (e.g., starting their own businesses, pursuing careers in medicine, law, education, and digital marketing)
Learn and use new software, including Google Sheets, Excel, Google Forms, Google Trends, and Poll Everywhere.
Compete for a prestigious paid internship with some of Girls Inc. of NYC’s most notable funders.
At the end of the last school year, G3 participants conducted and presented their own research to a panel of data analysis experts and prospective funders.
When comparing pre- and post-program surveys, students reported an increase in: math confidence (56% to 64%); understanding data analytics (74% to 85%); and interest in math (37% to 61%).
Notably, 33% of Girls Inc. of NYC high school seniors declared a major in STEM in college.